Sunday, November 6, 2011

SlumDog Hallie

Today is only Monday, the start of my fourth day in India, but already I have learned some pretty interesting things. Yesterday at the worlds second largest beach, I learned that Indians have horse rides and amusement attractions there, and not many people actually swim. I also learned at the MGR memorial that they had a movies star as a chief minister of state and that in his later life he was never photographed without his glasses. People visiting his tomb were also leaning in to listen to his watch that is still ticking!

When we visited the Santhome Church, I saw a huge replica of Santa Claus in the St. Thomas Museum. When we asked a few people what the connection was they had no idea and some didn't even know who he was! It is kind of hard to explain that he flies around in a sleigh with magical reindeer in Tamil!

On Saturday we went to St. Thomas Mount and I saw a funny picture of Jesus laughing, something I have never really seen before but the lady unfortunately didn't let us take a picture. We also went to a few really big shopping malls and it was interesting to see how the newer ones resembled ones we have in America, only larger, while the older ones are definitely different. They wind every which way and its so easy to get lost! Additionally, while I was buying some traditional clothing, they offered us tea and coffee!! (It was very good :) )

Another huge culture shock was seeing all the animals in the streets. Going in I was expecting to see stray dogs and cats. I was not expecting to see roosters, goats, and a ridiculous amount of cows roaming around. Even with all the crazy traffic, cows just walk right down the middle of busy streets and all the drivers have to swerve to go around them! If I figure out how, I will upload some of the many cow pictures I took!!

And one real quick last note before I sign off is that Indians love Chinese food. I'm not sure why, since we had some and I think Chinese food in America is better, but they love it. 
A Vendor on the Beach 



A Cow standing on a Colomb (Tamil Word). Every morning people go outside and draw these elaborate designs in chalk as a sign of good luck. Some people don't do these, and when I asked, I was told they were just "lazy."

Another Fruit Vendor

Jackie, Vanessa, and Anthony

Some adorable children who followed us around. I have multiple pictures of them.

A pharmacist who has a vendor on the side of the road.

A picture Vanessa took of me after I took off the Saree

A temple

A sign on the beach. (So dangerous!)

More vendors


  1. oh good ole saint nick never forgets a single country... even india

    i expected the cows haha have you not watched enough outsourced, hallie!?!?

    and put up lots and lots and lots of pictures soon
    do i have to emphasize the "lots" again?

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  4. Gma and Gpa liked your pink shirt!
